Fisherman Blues

Fisherman Blues

Blue boats on a blue sea.
In the inlet of thought
they look but do not see.

The treasure of the depths
caught in the net of the eye.
The scent of life
captured by the memory.

A tranquil blues
of the water and the sky
sparkles like the priceless gems
gathered in peace.

The moments lost
in perpetual motion
immerse in the stillness
of the silver eve.

Copyright © 2016 Kat

Note: Sea is fascinating and soothing. It speaks a mysterious language of travels, colors, culture, traditions, pain and pleasure. I wanted to share images captured in different places and I asked my friend Kat in the Afterlight to put her words on my pics. And she sang the fisherman blues.

Thanks Kat, vaya con Dios!

If you speak Italian, you can also read Mare s. m. [lat. mare]